Project: Prosthetic hand controller with gesture recognition and enhanced coordination.
In the next video below we see a more advanced hand that displays more "human-like" motion. I'm only guessing here, but my instinct is that the motion is pre-programmed to look more realistic. In other words, the user initiates a movement and then the on-board controllers perform the movement in a human-like motion pattern. I think this is a better approach.
I love the sophistication shown in the next video. In fact when I first viewed the video, I was initially confused over whether the person portrayed was simply wearing some sort of glove over his real hand. There are couple of screenshots showing the electromyographic signal on a computer screen. If you read the comments it is explained that these weak signals are in fact interpreted by the hardware so that the motion appears quite lifelike.
Project Breakdown:
The previous videos should give some idea of the target application in the sphere of EMG-controlled prosthetic hands. A tremendous amount of work was performed last year regarding the EMG subsystem. In fact, that work is still on-going due to the wonderful Capstone Award that the group received last year. I'd like to use last year's MuscleMate project results as a basis for this year's project. Since last year's project is in the process of being commercialized, we would have to "license" their current technology for inclusion in this year's project. An alternative is to use the final project reports from last year and built upon those directly. Either way should work well.
Subproject: Biopotential Sensor and Amplifier Design
This year I am looking for a student who can help me solve some of the aforementioned problems associated with acquiring biopotential signals from the surface of human skin. I have some ideas about using analog circuits to correct some of the problems discussed above, so you can expect to do some circuit design and implementation. You can expect to do some experimentation in the lab, as well as simulations using Cadence tools, Agilent ADS, and perhaps ANSYS. You should be creative and able to synthesize prototypes using available materials. For example, several years ago a student who was working with me took a pair of earbud style headphones, removed the speakers, and inserted snaps that she had obtained from a local craft shop that conveniently mated with the style of conventional biopotential sensors we were using at that time to measure ECG signals. It worked like a charm.
The ultimate objective of the project is to research, design, and implement biopotential sensor-amplifier combinations that intelligently track and accommodate inherent half cell potentials. The primary application area of interest is electromyography, but EEG and ECG signals are also of interest and will be considered, time allowing. We will also want to design the sensors so that external interference pickup is minimized. For example power line hum pickup should be reduced as much as practical.
To give you an idea about the circuit complexity, below is a photo of last year's analog signal processing chain (taken from Mark Klibanov's final project report).
How this subproject fits into the grand scheme of things:
This subproject is a part of, and integral to, the prosthetic hand project. You will combine the sensors produced in this project with the hardware designed by the other students.
Come to think of it, it would be pretty cool to create a hand that enables someone to play piano again.
No doubt about it, this will be a difficult project to undertake. It will take an excellent team of students to pull it off. In terms of the dream team I am looking to supervise, here is a list of desired skills and personality traits:
If you are interested in this project, send me an email and we'll discuss it further. I'm looking for a team of three to five students. Last year's group approached me over the summer and the team was assembled and ready to roll before September. If you have a group of colleagues that you believe can pull off this ambitious project, just send me an email and we can all meet to discuss things.
Note: All figures above, except for the YouTube generated pictures, are taken from Mark Klibanov's excellent DOE Capstone 2012 final report.
The objective of this project is to research, design, and implement a below-the-elbow prosthetic hand and control it with an EMG-based gesture recognizer. The EMG gesture recognizer will have extremely low latency, meaning that the user will experience no discernible delay between muscle activation and prosthesis motion.
The basic type of prosthetic limb I am imagining is demonstrated in the following videos:
In the first video below, we see a new user training her device. While it is not explained in the video, I can see some EMG electrodes mounted on the sleeve that she is wearing. These electrodes pick up the faint EMG signal, and then some processing is performed resulting in the waveforms shown on the screen during the video. Depending on which muscles she activates, she can get the hand to open or close or move to various positions.
In the next video below we see a more advanced hand that displays more "human-like" motion. I'm only guessing here, but my instinct is that the motion is pre-programmed to look more realistic. In other words, the user initiates a movement and then the on-board controllers perform the movement in a human-like motion pattern. I think this is a better approach.
I love the sophistication shown in the next video. In fact when I first viewed the video, I was initially confused over whether the person portrayed was simply wearing some sort of glove over his real hand. There are couple of screenshots showing the electromyographic signal on a computer screen. If you read the comments it is explained that these weak signals are in fact interpreted by the hardware so that the motion appears quite lifelike.
The previous videos should give some idea of the target application in the sphere of EMG-controlled prosthetic hands. A tremendous amount of work was performed last year regarding the EMG subsystem. In fact, that work is still on-going due to the wonderful Capstone Award that the group received last year. I'd like to use last year's MuscleMate project results as a basis for this year's project. Since last year's project is in the process of being commercialized, we would have to "license" their current technology for inclusion in this year's project. An alternative is to use the final project reports from last year and built upon those directly. Either way should work well.
A quick summary of the tasks required are as follows:
- Implement an appropriate EMG biopotential sensor along with the requisite signal processing chain up to the ADC stage.
- Implement a prototype prosthetic hand. The person(s) doing this should have some mechanical design and fabrication experience, perhaps through a robotics club or similar.
- Implement the primary micro controller, including the gesture recognition algorithms and signal processing algorithms.
- Implement the motor drivers and one or more micro controllers to control the various motors.
- Implement the power management circuitry.
That is a lot of work and I believe it would take a bare minimum of three completely focused and brilliant students to accomplish the above in the time frame available. More reasonably, four or five students would form a great team, as long as they have some inclination and ability in the required areas.
What follows is a better description of each of the aforementioned tasks.
I've been running projects for the past few years that involve acquisition of biosignals, in particular ECG and EMG signals. When you interface your body to a computer, and for the first time see the signals that you produce within yourself materialize on the oscilloscope, well, let's just say that you experience a unique “oh wow” feeling.
Unfortunately, collecting biopotential signals is not a simple as contacting a wire to your skin and connecting the other end of the wire to the acquisition unit. The biopotential signals are extremely small, on the order of micro volts to millivolts and so they must be amplified to be usable. Frustrating the acquisition of such signals is the presence of noise such as 60 Hz power line hum that permeates our typical indoor environments. Of no less importance and equally frustrating, when the sensor material makes contact with human skin there exists a chemical reaction at the interface, and this chemical reaction in and of itself can produce a highly variable unwanted additional signal component which may be orders of magnitude larger than the desired biopotential signal.
The figure below contains a simplified circuit model representative of the electrode–electrolyte interface that exists between the sensor and the skin surface. The series resistance, labeled as Rs, models the impedance of the skin. Rs is highly variable amongst individuals, and even for the same person will change depending for example upon the sensor location upon the body or the skin preparation. The parallel combination of resistance and capacitance labeled Rd and Cd model the path for leakage current between the skin and the electrode, and the charge buildup between electrode–electrolyte interface, respectively.
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Simplified model of the electrode to skin interface. You can read more here. |
The other component shown in the figure above models the half cell potential that arises from the chemical reaction that occurs at the interface between the sensor and the skin. Since the half cell potential arises from a chemical reaction, it is not surprising that the potential voltage that is realized is a function of the materials involved in the chemical reaction, the temperature and pressure at which chemical reaction occurs, and the point in time at which we monitor the chemical reaction. In other words, the half cell potential which is modeled as a battery in the above figure can be a highly variable source of frustration as it represents a signal quantity over which we may have limited control.
If you do a Google search for the term “half cell potential” you will quickly find tables that catalog half cell potential for various materials, such as the table shown below. Generally we want to minimize the half cell potential so that the maximum gain can be applied to our desired signal. If, for example, the half cell potential is 0.5 V, and our desired signal is on the order of the micro volt, then it becomes difficult to directly amplify the desired signal without saturating all of our analog signal processing stages. Some form of filtering or offset adjustment is required before the desired signal can be amplified. Alternative techniques exist, such as those that employ drive circuitry, but these techniques are not always applicable in every situation.
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Some half-cell potentials. A more comprehensive list is here. |
During the course of last year’s project (“MuscleMate”), we experimented with a variety of sensor configurations. We tried to fashion our own so-called dry electrodes using zinc coated staples, with all of the analog differential gain circuitry co-located with the sensor. Last year’s students fabricated the sensors and tested them, but in the end we had to abandon their usage because of the large variable unwanted half cell potential. One student eventually tracked down a problem: the so-called zinc plated staples we were using were virtually devoid of zinc by the time they were deployed.
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Differential EMG electrode with integrated amplifier. Created by the 2012 Capstone MuscleMate students. |
In order to get the project moving along, we resorted to the tried-and-true Ag-AgCl conventional wet electrodes such as those shown below. These particular electrodes employ a solid hydrogel saturated with AgCl enveloping a silver coated electrode. We wanted to avoid using these types of electrodes because they are only supposed to be single use (although we could use them multiple times).
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Conventional solid gel (hydrogel) Ag/AgCl electrodes. |
So what's the subproject exactly?:
This year I am looking for a student who can help me solve some of the aforementioned problems associated with acquiring biopotential signals from the surface of human skin. I have some ideas about using analog circuits to correct some of the problems discussed above, so you can expect to do some circuit design and implementation. You can expect to do some experimentation in the lab, as well as simulations using Cadence tools, Agilent ADS, and perhaps ANSYS. You should be creative and able to synthesize prototypes using available materials. For example, several years ago a student who was working with me took a pair of earbud style headphones, removed the speakers, and inserted snaps that she had obtained from a local craft shop that conveniently mated with the style of conventional biopotential sensors we were using at that time to measure ECG signals. It worked like a charm.
The ultimate objective of the project is to research, design, and implement biopotential sensor-amplifier combinations that intelligently track and accommodate inherent half cell potentials. The primary application area of interest is electromyography, but EEG and ECG signals are also of interest and will be considered, time allowing. We will also want to design the sensors so that external interference pickup is minimized. For example power line hum pickup should be reduced as much as practical.
To give you an idea about the circuit complexity, below is a photo of last year's analog signal processing chain (taken from Mark Klibanov's final project report).
How this subproject fits into the grand scheme of things:
This subproject is a part of, and integral to, the prosthetic hand project. You will combine the sensors produced in this project with the hardware designed by the other students.
Subproject: Prototype Prosthetic Hand
This subproject would be undertaken by the entire group of students, and lead by one or two students who are handy with fabrication and have some robot design experience. The hand design will need to be determined as early as possible in the course of the project. In case you're thinking "Impossible, a group of final year students can't build a prosthetic hand", well, it's been done before. For a simple hand that could be built as a demonstrator, check out the following video.
Come to think of it, it would be pretty cool to create a hand that enables someone to play piano again.
Subproject: Primary Microcontroller
This subproject involves the design of the main brain for the prosthetic hand. The primary micro controller functions to take the digitized electromyographic signal and interpret it terms of muscle activity to the point that specific gestures can be recognized. For example, it would be useful to recognize a gesture that would place the prosthetic hand into a position useful for controlling a computer mouse. Imagine if you could program the arm so that you could do chords when playing guitar. The idea is to build up a repertoire of gestures mapped to specific muscle activation sequences so that the user of the prosthetic device can effect fluid motion of the hand with minimal concentration.
The person responsible for the primary micro controller should have some advanced skills with embedded controller design and programming. The student (Nick Stupich) who worked extensively on the micro controller last year was well-versed in C programming and used Python extensively. You should expect to code your own signal processing routines, such as an FFT routine. You need to have some knowledge, or be extremely interested in learning about, classification algorithms and machine learning. Last year's group used support vector machines within the muscle activity recognition algorithms. I expect that this year students will also use a similar classification algorithm.
The primary micro controller functions as the director for the motor control micro controllers. Once a specific gesture is recognized, the primary micro controller will issue the necessary commands to the secondary controllers in order to cause the prosthetic hand to move into the desired position.
Last year's group used a FEZ Mini micro controller as shown below. One of the first tasks for this year's group will be to choose an appropriate micro controller for the project. It may even be possible to use a single board computer for the task this year.
The person responsible for the primary micro controller should have some advanced skills with embedded controller design and programming. The student (Nick Stupich) who worked extensively on the micro controller last year was well-versed in C programming and used Python extensively. You should expect to code your own signal processing routines, such as an FFT routine. You need to have some knowledge, or be extremely interested in learning about, classification algorithms and machine learning. Last year's group used support vector machines within the muscle activity recognition algorithms. I expect that this year students will also use a similar classification algorithm.
The primary micro controller functions as the director for the motor control micro controllers. Once a specific gesture is recognized, the primary micro controller will issue the necessary commands to the secondary controllers in order to cause the prosthetic hand to move into the desired position.
Last year's group used a FEZ Mini micro controller as shown below. One of the first tasks for this year's group will be to choose an appropriate micro controller for the project. It may even be possible to use a single board computer for the task this year.
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FEZ Mini Microcontroller. |
Subproject: Secondary Microcontrollers and Motor Drivers
The secondary micro controllers will take their orders from the primary micro controller. Their function will be to provide smooth motion of the articulated prosthetic hand via a yet to be determined mechanical implementation. At this point I'm imagining that the micro controller or micro controllers in charge of the various motors will implement PID controllers for each of the motors. I haven't done much research on this subject yet but I suspect that there are commercially available motor control chips that could be put to great advantage in this application.
The student in charge of this subproject will also be responsible for choosing appropriate motors for the prosthetic hand. Since the entire project will be run on a shoestring budget, it will be difficult to get the best performance possible but we should at least be able to create a functional prototype if we choose our implementation components carefully.
The student in charge of this subproject will also be responsible for choosing appropriate motors for the prosthetic hand. Since the entire project will be run on a shoestring budget, it will be difficult to get the best performance possible but we should at least be able to create a functional prototype if we choose our implementation components carefully.
Subproject: Power Management Circuitry
Power management is the under appreciated lynchpin of the electronics world. This is a crucial portion of the overall design. No one wants to carry a car battery around in one hand so they can have an electrically powered prosthetic hand.
The student responsible for this portion of the design will implement circuitry that provides power for all of the other components of the prosthetic hand. This would include the micro controllers as well as the motors used to activate the hand. No less important, the student in charge of the power management circuitry will also perform power budget analysis for the entire device as well as heat dissipation analysis for the entire device.
In all likelihood, the power management circuitry will be responsible for generating multiple voltages both positive and negative from a single positive supply. The student involved should have an appreciation for buck and boost converters, protective devices, and electrical noise reduction.
The student responsible for this portion of the design will implement circuitry that provides power for all of the other components of the prosthetic hand. This would include the micro controllers as well as the motors used to activate the hand. No less important, the student in charge of the power management circuitry will also perform power budget analysis for the entire device as well as heat dissipation analysis for the entire device.
In all likelihood, the power management circuitry will be responsible for generating multiple voltages both positive and negative from a single positive supply. The student involved should have an appreciation for buck and boost converters, protective devices, and electrical noise reduction.
Qualifications for the Project:
- Versatile and imaginative;
- Autodidactic tendancies;
- Interest and competence in chemistry and/or materials science (for the student working on the sensor);
- Interest and competence in analog circuit design;
- Possess a "love of tinkering" and appreciation for design and craftsmanship;
- Interest in research and development;
- Focused and driven to success at difficult problems.
What you will get out of doing this project:
- Experience in analog and possibly mixed-signal circuit design.
- Experience in bio signal acquisition hardware and software.
- Increased knowledge in the area of biomedical engineering.
- Increased knowledge in the areas of materials, electrochemistry, and human interfaces.
- Increased knowledge in the area of analog signal processing.
- Increased knowledge in noise analysis and low noise design.
- Increased knowledge in the area of motor control and digital controllers.
- An appreciation for end-to-end hardware and software design.
If you are interested in this project, send me an email and we'll discuss it further. I'm looking for a team of three to five students. Last year's group approached me over the summer and the team was assembled and ready to roll before September. If you have a group of colleagues that you believe can pull off this ambitious project, just send me an email and we can all meet to discuss things.
Note: All figures above, except for the YouTube generated pictures, are taken from Mark Klibanov's excellent DOE Capstone 2012 final report.
what a great idea! really like this post and your blog!
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